Friday, March 24, 2017

Did You Know...

...that Lexi Lawson once auditioned for American Idol.

Here's another Hamilton actress who auditioned for American Idol:

which she poked fun of in her Miss America contestant introduction video.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Blog Update

Hey guys!
Sorry for not updating this blog and writing biographies and articles about movies and musicals.
We will get back on the swing of things once the Apple App Store decides to let us post using mobile again.
Thanks for being patient!
Sophie Leigh

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Scene of the Week

Charmian Carr, Nicholas Hammond, Heather Menzies, Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner, and Kym Karath's So Long, Farewell from The Sound of Music (1965)

Favorite Film from Favorite Actress

The Sound of Music is one of my favorites.
~Sophie Leigh

Twentieth Century starring
Carole Lombard and John Barrymore.
~Liana Sheridan

Quote of the Day

"My passions were all gathered together
like fingers that made a fist.
Drive is considered aggression today;
I knew it then as purpose."
~ Bette Davis