Monday, January 25, 2016

The Names of the Decades

Here's the name of the decades:

  • 1890s - The Gay Nineties
  • 1900s - The Noughties
  • 1910s - The Terrible Teens
  • 1920s - The Roaring Twenties
  • 1930s - The Thirlling Thirties
  • 1940s - The Flying Fourties
  • 1950s - The Nifty Fifties
  • 1960s - The Swinging Sixties
  • 1970s - The Disco Era
  • 1980s - The Greedy Eighties
  • 1990s - The Naughty Nineties
  • 2000s - The Millennium
  • 2010s - The Digital Teens

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