Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hollywood Biography Pictures Blogathon

Hey guys!
I want to start a blogathon and I want people to take part in it if any of you care. The blogathon is about biopics. I know that biopics isn't that accurate but they are the closest thing to what we can see on how the person acted towards other people and their own families. And how hard their lives were before the fame. Some of the biopics that are already out are about outlaws, stage stars, or Hollywood actors. I don't have an exact date on when I want the blogathon to start but I want to kick it off with a biopic that I've always admired as a film. I also have listed a few biopics that you can choose from (there are tons and tons of biopics around).
  • The Story of Vernon And Irene Castle (1939)
  • Three Little Words (1950)
  • Gypsy (1962)
  • Harlow (1965)
  • Bonnie & Clyde (1967)
  • Gable And Lombard (1976)
  • Mommie Dearest (1981)
  • Chaplin (1992)
  • Child Star (2001)
  • The Aviator (2004)
  • J Edgar (2012)
  • Bonnie & Clyde (2013)
  • Grace of Monaco (2014)
If you have any others biopics that you want to write about for this blogathon, just leave a comment below. Thank you:)

Rules & Conditions
  • At least 2-3 sources
  • Must have seen the movie that you have chosen to write about
  • Must include a paragraph about the people or person who the movie is about
  • Must include a paragraph summarizing the movie
  • Include pictures and quotes, if they are needed to illustrate the article
  • When you are done with the article, please leave a link in the comments section of this blog entry
~Liana Sheridan

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