Monday, September 21, 2015

Hey guys,
Sorry for not posting anything lately but not to worry, I have things that I have drafted on paper including a few new things that I want to talk about on this blog. Primarily, because I wanted to write on paper the things that I want to talk about on this blog, and I have listed a few things. Two of those things are The Stereotypes That Men Gives to Women and The Roles of Women Throughout The Decades, and that's mainly because I was judged stereotypically but a former classmate of mine that made me change my mind about Asian men, in general and that classmates name is Sam Chow. Yes, that's a name drop but there are things that I can't forget and that's rude and disrespectful classmates who you think are cute but they are really judgemental; also, if you have read my sidebar, you'll see that I have talked about a few new things that's going to be on this blog. I know that I am totally disorganized with this blog but I don't care: it's my blog! Anways, I'm sorry about for not posting. I will post new articles, reviews, quotes, etc. for you to read. Please, please, please keep on checking this blog. I have not given up on writing essays and articles on blogger. :)
~Liana Sheridan

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